Saturday, October 18, 2008

2 Years Old

Sam was a bit of a surprise. I got pregnant with him when Penny was 8 months old. My mom got 5 grandboys in one year, and Sam was one of them. Nathan and Shelly had twins Nathan and Evan, Calvin and Sanya had Carter, and Jordan and Tamra had Bryce.

Aunt Tara (my youngest sister) came to visit us in Texas, so she stayed with the kids while we went to the hospital. I was quite anxious because Thomas and Penny were both 9 days early, and weighed 9 pounds 7 ounces and 8 pounds 5 ounces. So I didn't want to have another huge baby. I went in to have my water broke the day before his due date. That was at 11ish and I had him soon after 1pm. The nurse had checked me a couple of times, and I was worried because things weren't going that fast. She came in and checked me, and I was at a 5. She washed her hands and was writing down my information. I told her that all of the sudden I felt pressure down there. She checked me again-- even though she JUST had. Her eyes got really big and she called the doctor and nurses. She turned around, pointed at me and said, "If you push at all I'll be delivering that baby." I didn't push. But luckily the doctor was very fast. Sam was my smallest baby at 8 pounds 4 ounces. He had bruises on his face, and the nurse said it was because he dropped so fast.

What can I say about Sam? Maybe without him I could have had a shot at still being sane. No, but honestly, what is it about the third one putting you over the edge? I guess just being out-numbered. But we all love Sam. I'm sure he'll always be the life of the party. He's an absolute crack up. He loves his brother and sister. He's a definite daddy's boy.

We sure do love our Sam boy!


Jamie Sue said...

Guyver was born really fast too and had a bruised upper lip from coming out so fast (not as fast as Sam though).

Thanks for all the comments you leave on my page, it makes me happy.

Mauzy Musings said...

I loved those pictures! I loved the one with all 5 of the boys. It made me laugh to look at each of them and see that they still look like each other but then again not. So cute. I don't think I have that picture. Would you mind sending that on to me. Too precious!!!

Mauzy Fam said...

Happy Birthday SAM!! Can't believe all these boys are turning 2! The pictures are so cute - the Sam boy is sure a sweetie!

CS Fenn said...

Happy Birthday Sam! I hope you had a really fun birthday! I wish you and Cartie could play together (aka get into trouble together). I think you two would make quite a pair! We love you, 2 year old boy!

Bonnie Mills said...

I love this post! Adorable slide show! I totally can understand how a third kid would put a mother over the edge, hell my second put me over the edge!