Monday, November 24, 2008

4th of the 4th

I got tagged by my cousin Sarah (LoVE her!). This is from Jason's nan's birthday. I'll admit when I got tagged, I thought to myself that if the picture was crappy I'd just pick another one-- but this is the real deal. 4th of the 4th.

I know some people don't like getting tagged, but some love it. I don't know what category YOU fall into-- but if your heart so desires this, then I tag YOU.


Mauzy Musings said...

What was the tag? Was it a picture of your kids great grandma/grandpa? By the way, I love the pic!

Jamie Sue said...

Ok, so you totally crack me up with the comments you leave!! I LOVE them, keep em coming! Anyway, I TOTALLY remember that zit popping thing in the back of the magazine! I think about it often actually because I wish I would've written down the information or something cause I REALLY want one! I think it was call "Black-out" or something. Anyway, it's probably a totally crock of crap like most things that are advertised there, but I still want to TRY it! That is so funny that YOU remember that. Another thing I remember about that trip was you drinking a certain kind of soda cause it gives you the best burps--what was it, Dr. Pepper? I'm pretty sure I was drinking Barq's Root Beer. Oh man, the silly things we remember.

Ok, to curl you eyelashes with a spoon you place your lashes between your thumb and the edge of the spoon. Start at the bottom of the eyelashes, press, and pull outward. It's kinda like how you curl ribbon with scissors. Anyway, it's better that the kinks you get from the little eyelash curlers (plus those things scare me cause I'm always afraid I'm either gonna pinch my eyelid or pull out my lashes).

BTW, you make blogging so much fun!! I'm glad you're on here!