Friday, November 14, 2008


It is so hard to even think about Christmas when it's so dang hot here. It just doesn't seem right. It also doesn't seem right to decorate so early, but I suppose that's what happens in a country that doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving.

Earlier this week when Penny and Sam were at daycare, I took Thomas out of school and we went to Jason's Uncle and Aunt's house to decorate for Christmas. When they asked if we wanted to go, I guess I thought we'd be hanging lights. No lights. Jason's Aunt has the biggest Christmas decoration collection I have ever seen! She just kept pulling out more and more.

Jason's cousin, Jayme is in the picture by the tree. She was one of my bridesmaids. Her younger brother, Jesse is hanging a light fixture. As you can tell, neither of them like their pictures taken. The kids did though. Jayme has four kids (and I know I'll misspell their names): Asaard, Aleijha, Alaska, and Nazareth. Somehow I didn't get a picture of Nazareth, but he's a cute little baby.

Aleijha just got baptized recently, so she's just a little older than Thomas. They get along really well. All of Jayme's kids are very polite and well behaved. I'm jealous.

Alaska is such a cutie. She got her Grandad's glasses and put them on the big Santa. Then she went up and kissed him. (That's rug burn on her face.)


S. Fantasia said...

Fun! We're decorating this weekend. Woohoo!

Melissa Robinson Wichmann said...

I can't believe it's that time of year again! We'll start pulling our Christmas stuff out soon... I think we're going to scale it down this year though. We have a TON of Christmas decorations & I just want to simplify this year. Besides, as fun as it is to put it all up, I HATE & DREAD taking it all down.

That is so nice of you to help them decorate!