Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Goonies Kind of Day

As usual, we were running late for church. Really late. Sam hasn't been feeling too crash hot, and was taking an extra long nap that I didn't want to wake him from. So when he finally woke up we headed off to church. We got 20-30 minutes down the road and got caught in a huge storm. The wind was blowing like crazy and the rain was just pouring down. Like everyone else on the road, we pulled over to wait for a lull. We were only half way to church, and knew that we'd be held up a lot more, so we ended up just turning around and coming home.

When we got home, the storm hadn't hit here yet. Jason was trying to clear the garage out to put the car in there so it wouldn't get damaged in the weather. Then the storm hit. We got some good rain-- which we very much needed. I looked out the window and saw a ton of water NOT going into our tank. In case you didn't know-- we live off the water in this tank. So much was going to waste-- as you'll see in the video. Jason got soaked going out there to clear the debris from the drain so the water could get in easier.

I've known for a while now that a frog was living in the gutter. Yes, the same gutter that the water rushes through and then goes into our tank that we use for drinking water. Yep, I still boil our water. Frog piss doesn't sound very thirst quenching to me. Anyway-- that frog always makes lots of noise, but everytime I grab the camera it stops. We finally got it today. And can you believe that after filming I had to ask Jason to get the frog out of there??? He was going to leave it in there!

Please tell me everyone reading this has seen The Goonies? That's like one of the best movies ever. Love it. It was filmed in Oregon, so all the outside shots are overcast. Every time it rains I want to watch that movie. So today was a Goonie kind of day-- and I hope we have lots more.


Didion 6-Pack said...

Allison, you are such a faithful blogger! I haven't had much time lately but it was fun to jump back on and partake of your cuteness. My whole family came in to look at the frog in your gutter. And I laughed at your all-bran commercial. And I can't believe you're already decorating for Christmas!!!! The weather is finally cooling off here so I will start thinking about that in a week or two. Glad all is well with you, love, Erin

Melissa Robinson Wichmann said...

You SO weren't kidding about that frog. It is so loud & it's HUGE. Ugh~ gross. And what a pain in the ass for you to have to boil all of your water... bless your heart girl.

Melissa Robinson Wichmann said...

P.S. I HAVEN'T seen The Goonies. But when you visit (HINT HINT) let's watch it!

Arleen said...

I must be blind. I've watched for Jason getting drenched & missed it everytime! Is he off to the left?

Jason said...

ha ha-- too funny. no, jason isn't acutally in the video. but that made me laugh that you kept watching for him.

Keeley said...

oh my gosh... gross! i would freak out if a frog lived in where we get our water.

S. Fantasia said...

Haha. Love the Goonies.

"Hey you guuuuuys!"

Is it weird that I think the frog was cute?

CS Fenn said...

Oh come on - a little frog water never hurt anyone! And I've heard it's an aphrodisiac! ha ha! You should bottle it up & sell it! Miss you guys! Love ya, Sanya

Bonnie Mills said...

LOL!!! That frog is hilarious, did you keep it for a pet? I think it's cute!